When it comes to caring for someone with dementia, it’s important you understand all the helpful things you can do before all the things you might struggle with. Here at Care24Seven, we provide the necessary care support whilst you can focus on your personal relationship with your parents without the worry of caring for them.

There are lots of different things you can sign up for and get involved with to help your parents with dementia. If you need to reach out then contact us here or give us a call on 03332075727

Check out our dementia-friendly home ideas below here:

1. Memory Cafes

Memory cafes are social events set up by groups to give an informal setting to care. They’re simple social gatherings that allow for those with memory loss and a loved one to connect with one another.

Memory cafes can be helpful as not only do they get those with dementia out of the house, but is a controlled environment where you can both discuss old memories and have a nice time. We are aware this can be difficult times for children of those with dementia so these types of support spaces are important.

2. Day Centres

Some carers are not always convinced with day centres, however, it’s worth noting that they can be highly beneficial and are worth giving a chance. It allows for a different routine for patients as well as giving a break to carers who might deserve a couple hours to themselves.

Different day centres do different types of activities and social events so it is worth checking out a few to see which work for you and the parent with dementia. Everyone has different needs and wants so it’s important to let them fit in the right place, one which the patient will enjoy as well as one that’s convenient to travel to.

3. Remember to Have Conversations

It’s important that anyone who is caring for or involved with the patient’s day-to-day life, that we create conversations and try to understand them as much as possible. When it gets later in the process, those with dementia might struggle to formulate sentences that we can understand so it’s important to try and read through the lines, ask questions back and be understanding. Regular conversation is also a great way of stimulating the brain and keeping it as healthy and active as possible.

4. Create a Memory Book

Another handy tool is creating a memory book for patients. From childhood memories to major life events the patient has gone through, you can put them together with labels of names and places. This will not only make the patient happy, but provide some additional help if they find it difficult to remember names and faces.

It’s also helpful for carers to understand the patient’s life a bit more, sharing it with them may help stimulate conversations for the time one of our Care24seven carers are in the house for example.

5. Avoid ‘Testing’ People’s Memory

It’s essential that we don’t try to ‘test’ patients with dementia’s memory. Asking questions like “do you remember what you ate today?” or “what did you say to me just now?” Not only can these questions appear patronising to patients, but they also don’t necessarily help them.

It can create aggression from patients for not remembering and feeling as if they’re being quizzed as opposed to having a pleasant conversation. Stick to conversations where they can confidently answer or discuss topics they’re interested in.

If you’re struggling for care in the home then please contact us here at Care24Seven and we will do everything to help you and your loved ones today.